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Organizing an event

Add your event to Facebook

Add your event to Facebook to promote and sell tickets on Facebook. Attendees can visit your Eventbrite listing, share your event with their friends, and add it to their Facebook calendar. To get started, go to Add to Facebook (under Marketing).

In this article

  • Before you start
  • Add your event

Before you start

☑️ You're an admin of a Facebook page. You can't use a personal profile or Facebook group.

☑️ All events published on Facebook are visible to the public. You can't publish an event to Facebook if it's a draft, invite-only, or password protected.

☑️ Single events must be shorter than 4 months. Recurring events must be less than a year long (with fewer than 100 dates).

Add your event

1. Go to "Add to Facebook" and connect.

  • Log in and go to Events. Then select your event.

  • Select Marketing, then Add to Facebook.

  • Agree to the terms and select Connect account.

You may need to log in with your Facebook account and grant permissions to access your account. If you edit the permissions Eventbrite requests, your connection might not work properly.

2. Choose your Facebook pages.

Choose a Facebook page from the first dropdown. Your Facebook account must be an admin of this page. You are restricted from posting events to a Facebook page that you don't manage.

If you don't see your desired Facebook page, go to Facebook and check the permissions on the Eventbrite app. Make sure that the Eventbrite app has access to all your Facebook pages.

You can also add additional pages on your Facebook account as co-hosts. For co-hosts, your Facebook account can be any role (not just admin).

3. Add a location.

Online events don't need a location.

4. Edit your Facebook event description.

Eventbrite suggests a description based on your Eventbrite event. Review your description and make any necessary changes before publishing. Your event must have a description to publish on Facebook.

5. Select "Publish on Facebook."

6. Optional: Update your Facebook event settings.

On Eventbrite, go back to Add to Facebook. Then click Edit & Remove to add co-hosts, update your description, or remove your event from Facebook.

For other changes, like updating the image or location, edit your Facebook event on Facebook.

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