Grand Opening of EFI’s Biocities Facility & Cities in the Age of Forests

Registrations are closed

Thank you for registering at the Grand Opening of EFI's Biocities Facility & "Cities in the Age of Forests", we look forward to meeting you on April 20th! When showing up, we will have your name on our guest list, so no e-tickets needed. If you are unable to attend, please inform us so that we can give your ticket to people in the waiting list.

Grand Opening of EFI’s Biocities Facility & Cities in the Age of Forests

Grand Opening of new EFI Biocities Facility in Rome: A new vision to rethink our urban environment with the transformative power of trees

By European Forest Institute

Date and time

Thursday, April 20, 2023 · 8:30am - 6pm CEST



Campidoglio Piazza del Campidoglio 00186 Rome Italy


High-level opening
ThinkForest seminar
Transforming Biocities

9:15 AM - 10:30 AM

High-level opening

About this event


After 200 years of unprecedented urbanization and economic growth based on a fossil-based economy, we have arrived at a tipping point. Our urbanized world has become too big for our planet. This is clearly exemplified by climate change, biodiversity loss and the degradation of our natural resources.

Cities, our economic and innovation hubs, need to take the lead in rethinking our economy and its relationship to nature. Cities need to lead a transformational change, not only in replacing fossil energy by renewable energy but also by taking the lead in replacing non-renewable materials like plastics, steel or concrete with renewable biobased materials, and replacing grey infrastructures with green ones, making nature a basic urban infrastructure. Trees, forests and wood have a crucial role to play.

This event will facilitate an international science-policy-practice dialogue on the transformative potential of trees, forests, and wood to rethink the build environment and create healthy, sustainable and resilient cities as well as rural-urban sustainable interfaces.

About the European Forest Institute

The European Forest Institute (EFI) is a pan-European international organization. It has 30 Member Countries, and c. 130 member organizations from 40 different countries working in diverse research fields. EFI provides forest-related knowledge around three interconnected and interdisciplinary themes: bioeconomy, resilience and governance.

With a staff of over 100 experts in several offices across Europe, EFI is in a unique position to generate, connect and share knowledge at the interface between science and policy. Its high-level ThinkForest forum brings together policy makers and leading European forest scientists to generate science-policy dialogue on strategic forest-related issues. EFI is a leading science-policy platform providing forest-related knowledge to build a sustainable future: connecting knowledge to action.

About EFI’s Biocities Facility

EFI’s Biocities Facility aims to create an informed dialogue on how trees, forests and wood can contribute to rethinking our cities, so they can lead the transformation towards a climate-neutral and nature-positive economy. It works across scientific disciplines and actors to connect knowledge to action to transform the way we create and live in cities.

Frequently asked questions

Will the event be live streamed and recorded for the ones that cannot attend in person?

Yes, the event will be live streamed and be available on EFI's Youtube channel.

Can I bring a colleague to the event?

The in person-event is by invitation only given the limited capacity of the venue. If you think we should invite your colleague/contact, please send an email to and if spots become available, we will send an invitation. In any case the event will be live streamed.

How can I reach the venue?

The Capitol Hill is centrally located and well served by public transportation.

Organized by

The European Forest Institute (EFI) is an international organisation, established by European States. EFI conducts research and provides policy support on forest-related issues, connecting knowledge to action.

EFI has 30 Member Countries, and c. 130 member organizations from 42 different countries working in diverse research fields. The headquarters of the Institute are in Joensuu, Finland, and its other main offices are in Barcelona, Bonn and Brussels.

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